High energy proton implantation effect on the emission wavelength and strain phenomenon of strain coupled InAs/In(Ga)As submonolayer (SML) QDs and Stranski-Krastanov (SK) QDs
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Date Issued
Choudhary, Samishta
Das, Debabrata
Upadhyay, Saurabh
Panda, Debiprasad
Dutta, Anindya
Chakrabarti, Subhananda
In this study, the effect of high energy proton implantation in strain coupled Sub-monolayer (SML) and Stranski Krastanov (SK) quantum dot (QD) heterostructures have been investigated. The incident proton energy has been varied from 2 MeV to 5 MeV at a fixed proton dose of 1E-12 ions/cm2. Ion beam irradiation has used to demonstrate the ex-situ tailoring of structural morphology, vertical strain coupling and optoelectronic interaction between the seed and top layer QDs of the coupled SK-SML QD heterostructure by utilizing the precise control over depth-wise defect alteration and the size modulation. The optical and structural properties have been studied through photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) measurements. The penetration depth can be controlled by proton energy which influences the intensity and shifting in luminescence spectra. Red shift in PL emission wavelength has been observed for ion implanted samples as compared to as-grown samples. Subsequent power dependent photoluminescence (PDPL) study has been carried out to investigate the preferential photogenerated carrier transitions between ground and excited states of the aforementioned coupled QDs. Further, the quantum carrier confinement has been investigated through temperature dependent PL (TDPL) spectra. Strain profile analysis and crystalline quality investigation have been carried out through rocking curve analysis in (004) plane. The improved strain profile and morphology have been observed in ion implanted samples as compared to as-grown sample. The proton energy can directly control the intermixing within the dots and materials around the QDs.