Sorald: Automatic Patch Suggestions for SonarQube Static Analysis Violations
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Date Issued
Etemadi, Khashayar
Harrand, Nicolas
Larsen, Simon
Adzemovic, Haris
Phu, Henry Luong
Verma, Ashutosh
Madeiral, Fernanda
Wikstrom, Douglas
Monperrus, Martin
Previous work has shown that early resolution of issues detected by static code analyzers can prevent major costs later on. However, developers often ignore such issues for two main reasons. First, many issues should be interpreted to determine if they correspond to actual flaws in the program. Second, static analyzers often do not present the issues in a way that is actionable. To address these problems, we present Sorald: a novel system that uses metaprogramming templates to transform the abstract syntax trees of programs and suggests fixes for static analysis warnings. Thus, the burden on the developer is reduced from interpreting and fixing static issues, to inspecting and approving full fledged solutions. Sorald automatically fixes violations of 10 rules of SonarQube, a single Java static analyzer that is among the mostly used. We evaluate Sorald on a dataset of 161 popular repositories on Github. Our analysis shows the effectiveness of Sorald as it fixes 65% (852/1,307) of the violations that meets the repair preconditions. Overall, our experiments show it is possible to automatically fix notable violations of the static analysis rules produced by the state-of-the-art static analyzer SonarQube.
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