Sliding mode control based impact angle constrained guidance with predefined convergence time
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Date Issued
Majumder, Kakoli
Kumar, Shashi Ranjan
This paper proposes predefined-time convergent guidance schemes that can drive the pursuer on a collision course corresponding to the target interception from a pre-specified impact direction, irrespective of initial engagement geometries. The target interception at the desired impact angle is first transformed into a problem of controlling the line-of-sight angle and its rate. Then, guidance commands are derived using sliding mode control (SMC) to ensure the convergence of corresponding errors to zero within a predefined time. A nonlinear disturbance observer is used to estimate the target’s maneuver, and the estimation error is treated as an uncertainty while rejecting its effect by virtue of SMC. Guidance commands are also derived for the case where the target maneuver is completely unknown except for its upper bound. It was shown that the gain could be selected based on the maximum bound on target maneuver to enforce sliding mode on the chosen surface, and thus guarantees target interception at a pre-specified impact angle, provided the closing speed of the engagement is positive. Owing to the use of a nonlinear framework while deriving pursuer guidance commands, the proposed guidance strategies remain valid even for engagements with large initial deviations where schemes based on linearized dynamics may fail or have degraded performance. The efficacy of the proposed guidance methods is validated through simulations for the pursuers having constant speed and time-varying speed, for various engagement geometries. The results of proposed strategies are compared with those of existing guidance and shown to be superior.