Dual Active Bridge Based Reduced Stage Multiport DC/AC Converter for PV-Battery Systems
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Date Issued
Kurm, Shashank
Agarwal, Vivek
Standalone power systems are significant for electrifying the remote areas where extending the grid connectivity is not feasible, either economically or logistically. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems with battery backup are among the most popular candidates to serve as an energy source in standalone systems. This article presents a novel multiport converter (MPC) for PV-battery systems powering standalone loads. The proposed converter is a reduced stage power converter based on current fed dual active bridge (CF-DAB) topology. CF-DAB offers galvanic isolation and a high voltage ratio without sacrificing efficiency. Switching losses are further reduced by a modified modulation scheme that reduces the average switching frequency of some of the switches. The proposed converter performs the functions of tracking maximum power point of the solar panel and regulating the load voltage while using fewer power conversion stages. This is done by sharing components among the various stages performing maximum power point tracking, voltage boosting, and dc/ac conversion. A small-signal model of the proposed MPC required for its closed-loop control is also proposed, which can also be utilized for other CF-DAB-based converters. A lab prototype of the proposed MPC has been fabricated and its operation has been validated under various static and dynamic conditions.