Enhanced Power Sharing among DGs in AC Microgrids connected via Underground Cables
2021 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2021
Date Issued
Khan, Imran
Vijay, A. S.
Doolla, Suryanarayana
Urban microgrids and active distribution networks are typically connected through underground (UG) cables due to space constraints. Most works on power sharing in AC microgrids focus on networks with overhead lines (OHL) which are predominantly resistive or inductive in nature. This work focuses on power sharing enhancement amongst inverter based distributed generations (DGs) with interconnections through UG cables and proposes two adaptive virtual impedance (AVI) schemes (virtual L and C) which can be used seamlessly with L, RC and C types of droop strategies. The UG cables have been modelled using practical data from cable manufacturers considering the shunt capacitances which is not generally factored into the modelling of overhead lines. Extensive simulations for the same have been carried out on MATLAB/Simulink for different types of loads for a simple two DG based network as well as for a meshed network with three DGs and different R/X ratios.