Crystal plasticity constitutive modeling of tensile, creep and cyclic deformation in single crystal Ni-based superalloys
Mechanics of Materials
Date Issued
Chaudhary, Suketa
Guruprasad, P. J.
Patra, Anirban
A microstructure-sensitive crystal plasticity constitutive framework is proposed for simulating the tensile, cyclic, and creep response of single crystal Ni-based superalloys. In this framework, a non-Schmid model is used to account for the orientation- and temperature-dependent yield anisotropy. A model for the evolution of the slip system-level backstress is developed to simulate the cyclic response. The model accounts for the effect of microstructural features like precipitate volume fraction and size, and matrix channel width, on the associated hardening mechanisms. A physical model for creep deformation has also been developed that accounts for dislocation climb normal to the slip plane and the microstructure evolution due to rafting and isotropic coarsening of the precipitates. Application of the model is demonstrated by predicting the orientation- and temperature-dependent thermo-mechanical deformation of two single crystal superalloys, CMSX-4 and PWA-1484. The model is calibrated to the experimental tensile, cyclic and creep response for these alloys. Finally, the model is qualitatively validated by predicting the creep-fatigue interactions for different loading orientations and a range of thermo-mechanical conditions for CMSX-4 and PWA-1484.