A Novel ‘Tapered key in a slot’ Technique for Characterization of Bonding Strength in Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Manufacturing Letters
Date Issued
Alya, Sachin
Ankamreddy, Bhargavi
Singh, Ramesh
Laser Directed Energy Deposition (LDED) finds applications in hard facing, building, and restoring complex 3-D parts. Powder-fed LDED is preferred over wire-fed LDED in restoring 3-D parts, which employs inclined deposition heads. The functional performance of the restored part will strongly depend upon the quality of the bond between the deposition and the substrate. Typically, the determination of bonding strength involves using epoxy for carrying out the tensile test or machining the deposition to carry out shear tests, which are not very effective in determining the bonding strength of ultra-high strength depositions like CPM9V. Hence, a novel ‘tapered key in a slot’ specimen is specially designed to measure the bonding strength of high-strength depositions. The effect of various LDED parameters on the bonding strength of the deposits has been characterized via a designed experiment. Fractography of the failed specimens exhibited three distinct failure patterns: failure near melt interface (MI), failure at the deposit-substrate interface (CSI), and deposit cross-section (CC).