An Analysis of the Aerosol Lifecycle Over India: COALESCE Intercomparison of Three General Circulation Models
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Date Issued
Bhattacharya, Anwesa
Venkataraman, Chandra
Sarkar, Tanmay
Sharma, Amit Kumar
Sharma, Arushi
Anand, S.
Ganguly, Dilip
Bhawar, Rohini
Dey, Sagnik
Ghosh, Sudipta
Atmospheric aerosols or atmospheric particulate matter affects climate variables like temperature and rainfall, agricultural productivity, soil, and human health. We evaluated aerosol lifecycle over India via simulations (2005–2014) from three general circulation models under the COALESCE project (carbonaceous aerosol emissions, source apportionment, and climate impacts; Venkataraman et al., 2020, 10.1175/bams-d-19-0030.1). The ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3, CAM5.3, and NICAM-SPRINTARS simulations use identical regional emissions (from the Speciated Multi-pollutant generator, SMoG-India-v1). Satisfactory model simulations of meteorological variable magnitudes and seasonal cycle have been achieved partly from the adoption of nudging. Estimations of anthropogenic aerosol, aerosol optical depth (AOD), and particulate matter surface concentrations are significantly improved from (a) dust tuning (b) use of satellite-derived organic aerosol to carbon ratio, and (c) nudged meteorology to capture variables influencing the production of secondary sulfate. Larger wintertime under prediction (−30% to −60%) results from over prediction of seasonal planetary boundary layer height and the absence of secondary ammonium nitrate and organic aerosols. Vertical dispersion to higher altitudes than in observations calls for improved modeling of vertical mass flux representation. Carbonaceous aerosol residence time and AOD fraction larger than global mean values in India, with a seasonal predominance in the autumn and winter seasons can be explained by enhanced regional emissions from residential biofuel cooking, agricultural stubble burning, and traditional informal industries like brick production.