Flow-field alternation and wave drag reduction under repetitive laser energy deposition
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Date Issued
Padhi, Upasana Priyadarshani
Joarder, Ratan
In situ laser energy deposition ahead of supersonic/hypersonic vehicles controls the surface force and reduces drag dramatically. In the present study, the effects of repetitive laser pulse deposition on the flow-field alteration and wave drag reduction over a blunt body travelling at supersonic speed are investigated. The simulation is performed by solving the Navier-Stokes equation accompanied by the species conservation equations in two dimensions by assuming chemical non-equilibrium and thermal equilibrium. The interaction of the low-density area (of the breakdown induced by blast-wave) and the bow shock in front of the body, results in modification in the flow-field, thereby reducing the wave drag. The maximum drag reduction occurs when the repetition rate is kept below 100 kHz for all the positions of energy deposition considered in the present study. Higher frequencies of energy deposition result in higher wave drag on the body. For 300 kHz and the farthest location considered in the present study, the drag reduction is found as low as 18% of drag without energy deposition with 6.8% aerodynamic efficiency. The maximum wave drag reduction was observed at 50 kHz with a maximum aerodynamic efficiency of 78.7% at the farthest position of energy deposition considered in the present study.