Testing of WAMS-based Supervised Zone-3 Distance Relay Protection Scheme using a Real-Time Digital Simulator
ICPS 2021 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems: Developments towards Inclusive Growth for Sustainable and Resilient Grid
Date Issued
Gajjar, K. K.
Kulkarni, A. M.
Gajjar, Gopal
Soman, S. A.
Gajbhiye, Rajeev
Power swings, load encroachment, and low voltage conditions can cause false tripping due to the Zone-3 backup protection feature of a distance relay. To avoid this, a distance relay can be supervised using the measurements from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) of a Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS). The algorithm and software for this purpose was developed. Through the monitoring of differential currents of the backed-up lines, the software generates Block and Trip signals which are communicated to the relay. This paper presents the results of testing of this scheme using a real-Time digital simulator. Different fault scenarios in a four-machine ten bus system were simulated. The results indicate that the scheme is effective in preventing the false tripping of distance relays.