Flow dynamics of a contra-rotating axial fan under windmilling and locked conditions
AIAA Journal
Date Issued
John, Jerry T.
Manas, M. P.
Pradeep, A. M.
The present work aims to understand the flow dynamics of a low-speed contra-rotating axial fan under windmilling and locked state. To gain a deep understanding of flow behavior, four configurations are evaluated, both experimentally and numerically, in which one of the rotors will be in windmilling or locked mode while the other is in powered mode. The spanwise distribution of the loading coefficient and flow angles at different streamwise positions reveals the details of the flow development across the rotors. The windmilling rotor depicts the existence of a “neutral radius,” where compressor and turbine behaviors coexist. When rotor-2 is windmilling, the neutral radius is identified closer to the tip of the blade. In contrast, when rotor-1 is windmilling, the neutral radius is identified closer to the hub of the blade. The flow coefficient has a significant effect on the position of the neutral radius. Results from numerical simulations imply that the flow separates from the pressure surface in the span regions where the rotor behaves as a turbine and from the suction surface in the span regions where the rotor behaves as a fan.