Validation and bias correction of incoming solar radiation from two reanalysis products over India
Journal of Earth System Science
Date Issued
Jain, Anushriya
Eswar, R.
Bhattacharya, B. K.
Reanalysis datasets are valuable sources of long-term meteorological information. Among the many variables, surface solar radiation (Rsd) is one of the important variables in driving various atmospheric and climatic models. This study aims to validate and correct for biases in the Rsd data from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) and the Indian Monsoon Data Assimilation and Analysis (IMDAA) reanalysis products at 8-day and monthly time periods. It was observed that the Rsd from both MERRA-2 and IMDAA exhibited similar characteristics. A statistical bias correction procedure was used for correcting Rsd and the bias was characterized as a function of transmissivity, geographic location, and elevation. The bias in 8-day Rsd improved from 22.03 to 12.95 Wm−2 for MERRA-2 and from 31.95 to 9.42 Wm−2 for IMDAA. Similarly, at the monthly time scale, the bias has improved from 22.76 to 15.69 Wm−2 for MERRA-2 and from 31.60 to 8.67 Wm−2 for IMDAA. After the bias correction, both the products exhibited improved correlation and seasonal variation closer to that of in-situ observations indicating the effectiveness of the bias correction procedure.